June 25, 2010

The "No More Trouble Zones" Challenge

Although I know how important cross-training and strength training are for runners, I have always failed to fit them into my schedule. This summer, however, that's all going to change. After reading about a killer workout DVD on Caitlin's fabulous blog, I decided to take on the challenge myself and see what happens! The DVD is called Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones. It's basically a 40 minute circuit workout designed to target "trouble zones" like the arms, hips, inner thighs, and butt. The video starts off with a 5 minute warm-up then goes into 7 different circuits with 6 moves in each, performed twice.
Jillian is a scary, ass-kicking woman!
I tried NMTZ last night for the first time and sweet baby Jesus I thought I was gonna die! Now I tend to think, as a marathoner, that I'm in pretty decent shape. But enter the insane intense Jillian and her torture moves and I was put in my place. I know that strength training is a whole different measure of fitness than cardio, but I also know that they complement each other so I'm excited to keep going with this challenge. All the reviews of NMTZ swear that you get fast, amazing results if you stick with it, so I'll keep you all updated on my experience. I'll be using 3lb weights (trust me, this is more than enough!) and doing the workout 2-3 times a week, pending my running schedule and what my body can handle without breaking down. As for today, I feel sore in parts of my body I forgot existed! But it's a good sore that reminds me I have other muscles besides those in my legs. I think Jillian and I are embarking on a wonderfully painful love/hate relationship : )

p.s. Good luck to all the bloggers (Mel-Tall Mom, Marlene, Michele, Madison, Hannah, and Jill) running Seattle RNR tomorrow! Crazy to think that one year ago I was getting ready to run this race as my first marathon : ) Have fun ladies, I'm sure you're all going to rock! Can't wait to hear how it goes!


  1. Jillian Michaels scares the heck out of me. Biggest Loser is one of the few shows that I actually watch fairly regularly when it's on, and she is a beast. Curious how much of that is 'made for TV' versus how she really is, but she's definitely in good shape. Curious to see what you think of the video workout. My wife has been looking at these but I think she's worried they're just going to kill her.

  2. This DVD, along with 30 Day Shred and Boost Metabolism, is hard. But after every workout I feel AMAZING. Yes, I'm exhausted, sweaty, and my muscles are aching and trembling, but I feel energized and sharper mentally. I exercise five days a week, alternating workout videos, and take the weekends "off", during which I find I now have more energy to do everything from working in the garden to running around theme parks. I'm actually sleeping better too.
