Monday's 4 miler was followed by 5 miles along the river Tuesday. On Wednesday I decided to do NMTZ instead of the 4 miles I had planned. Since my plan calls for 6 days of running, I've delegated Wednesday as interchangeable with cross-training like NMTZ, yoga, etc. Since it's a short run day anyway, it makes for a nice midweek change from running. And man alive that Jillian Michael's sure kicks your butt! It felt a tad easier the second time around but I still felt it for days. Thursday I didn't get out until it was almost dark and then to make matters worse, when I put my Garmin on it beeped then went dead! I plugged it in immediately and waited til it was charged about 20%, figuring I'd see where that got me. The plan called for 3xhill, with the hill being approximately .25 mile long. However the hill I decided to use, the overpass near my house, only ended up being about .1 mile long, so I had to double the number of repeats. Since I was racing my low battery I did a quick mile warm-up around my neighborhood then went up and down the overpass 6x, then added on a little more to round out the workout to an even 4 miles. It was quick, hard, and exhilarating! Friday was a rest day of course which I spent trying to get psyched up for Saturday's long run...
I was a little nervous about my long run this morning. Last weekend's 11 miler was pretty challenging for me and this week called for a pretty big increase, 15 miles. I even dreamed about it last night and woke up several times feeling very anxious! I woke up and got going much earlier than last weekend which really helped save me from some of the intense heat. I actually went the same basic route with a few adjustments and detours. When I got to McKinley Park in East Sac, I decided to get more of my mileage done there since it has a nice, soft, shady trail along the perimeter, is very runner-friendly (so many out there today!), and has a lot to look at, including a rose garden and duck pond. Plus, one loop is just under a mile so it didn't feel like I was just running in circles! I got to 12 miles before I headed back toward the American River bike trail.
The beautiful rose garden!
Perfect, shady path for running : )
Duck pond! Beware of the geese!
Sac State Bridge
American River with 'J' Street Bridge in background.
No that's not a tan line, it's dirt!
My relaxing view after finishing the run!
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